The Well-Furnished Mind

R. A. Snider for the Body of Christ

To make your mind into a library of good things, into a cathedral of praise, of prayer and meditation, you must furnish it with such things appropriate to a library of good things, and to a cathedral of praise, and prayer, and meditation. Seriously: What furnishes your mind right now? Is it a library of pop culture? Of fiction? Of porn? Of the music of Babylon which celebrates only the things of the flesh and of the heart?
Is it a library of futile things, which mean nothing in the light of eternity, or in the light of the war between good and evil?

When the apostle Paul told us to “think on these things”, explaining first what things those were: “…whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8, KJV), he was telling us what befits such a library, such a cathedral: True things, honest things, just things, pure things, lovely things (which is to say, “Lovable”), particularly that which is lovely in character; positive and encouraging things, virtuous things, praiseworthy things. This is what you want furnishing, occupying, filling your mind.

So fill your mind with good things, and it will be furnished with good things. Good books. Spiritual wisdom. Things that ring true. Things that elevate you and your thinking above the slovenly, carnal and low things of life in a broken world. Fill your mind, your library, with God Himself, with Christ, and the Holy Ghost, the very Spirit of God will find a habitation that is welcoming to Him. Your thoughts will be clean and captive to Christ. Your sentiments will be pure. You will know the mind of Christ, because the mind of Christ was furnished thus.


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